The world turns once more and spring has sprung! Beautiful in the north of Tasmania, with green grass, calves and lambs, rainbows and flowers of garden and bush.
The caves are vibrant with the rush of water, reflections in pools and dripping stalactites. The dust of previous dry seasons has completely washed away.
Spring conditions may restrict our exploration in water passages, but the photography and the feeling of being there is very different to summer and autumn when it it usually much drier. The particularly wet winter and spring this year means that caves in the coming summer season will be more active with cave fauna going about their business. The whole countryside is more lush than previous years.
A personal update: I have completed my PhD thesis and am very much looking forward to the season’s challenges in caving both professionally and recreationally, since much has been put off until “after PhD.” Thanks to everyone’s best wishes. I await the examination progress now.